- All shipments destined for Canada are shipped F.O.B. Montreal, QC except for certain Bike products that are shipped F.O.B. Nelson, BC.
- All shipments of Nivo and Sligo products destined for USA are shipped F.O.B. Miami FL.
- Unless otherwise instructed, we will ship by the least expensive method available.
- If you do not wish to receive back orders, please indicate "Ship complete when ready" or "Cancel all back orders" on the order form.
- Claims for loss of or damage to goods in transit are the responsibility of the purchaser and should be filed directly with the carrier. Short shipments must be reported to us within 72 hours of receipt of the shipment.
- All returns must be shipped prepaid and must clearly indicate the Return Authorization Number, which is available from our Customer Service at 1800-361-5045.
- Returns are subject to a 15% restocking charge.